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County and state laws govern polling sites, including Emory's 1599 Administration Building
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Since 2022, Emory has proudly hosted a DeKalb County polling site at 1599 Clifton Road. Since its inception, Emory has received positive feedback from voters, poll workers and Emory Votes Initiative volunteers on the voting experience at 1599. 

Advance voting for the 2024 election begins on Oct. 15. Any DeKalb County resident may vote at 1599 during advance voting. On Election Day, voters must vote at their assigned precinct.

During the voting period, state and county law governs voting sites, and 1599 is no exception.

Per state law, no political campaign paraphernalia is permitted within 150 feet of DeKalb’s polling location, measured from the outer edges of that building. This includes items brought in by voters, volunteers, staff in the building and visitors; it includes signs and clothing. Additionally, there are restrictions on demonstrations within 150 feet of the end of any voter line.

Emory plans to continue the tradition of hosting a safe and accessible civic experience for our community. During the voting period, everyone must recognize the state and county laws that govern the voting site at 1599 Clifton Road.

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