Starting with early voting on May 2, DeKalb County residents will be able to vote on Emory’s Atlanta campus in the 1599 Building. Outside of the early voting period, DeKalb residents who have Emory University as their assigned polling place can vote here on election day. This includes students who live on campus. Parking is free during voting hours.
“Emory students, faculty and staff have a long and storied history of civic participation, and this new on-campus polling site will serve individuals within Emory and along the Clifton Corridor as they exercise their right to vote,” says Emory President Gregory L. Fenves. “At Emory, we are proud to do our part in facilitating the democratic process and making voting more accessible.”
Cameron Taylor, vice president of government and community affairs, adds, “Emory is honored that DeKalb County selected our campus as a polling site. In March 2021, Emory announced the launch of our enterprise-wide community engagement strategy. Our goal is a deeper connection to our community; this is one way in which we are working toward that goal.”

EVI offers several programs including voter registration, arranging rides to polling places, inviting guest lecturers to discuss civics issues and more. The initiative, which started as a grassroots project among students, faculty and staff, now has a full-time staff member and eight interns. Their latest effort, the Emory Votes Pledge, aims to get 10,000 students, faculty, staff and community members to commit to being registered and informed voters.
“Part of being an anchor institution is implementing thoughtful ways we can give back to our community,” says James Roland, senior director of civic and community engagement. ”Emory serves a tremendous public good by becoming a polling place, and it gives our neighbors a chance to see us giving back and upholding democratic values and institutions. It also opens up the opportunity for students to volunteer or be a part of the electoral process as poll workers.”
EVI has increased voter turnout among Emory students from 17.9% in 2014 to 44.8% in 2018. For its continued efforts to support voter registration and education, Emory was recognized as a 2021-22 Voter Friendly Campus by Campus Vote Project and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
With the Georgia gubernatorial and midterm elections in November, EVI is ramping up voter education to make sure everyone has their voices heard. They are currently seeking student, faculty and staff volunteers to work in the 1599 Building during voting hours. They are also supporting DeKalb with poll worker recruitment; those interested in becoming poll workers will be employed and trained by the county.
Advance voting for the primary will take place May 2-20, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Saturday advance voting days are May 7 and May 14 with available hours from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Sunday advance voting days are May 8 and May 15 with available hours from noon until 5 p.m.
For more information about voter registration and election dates, visit the Secretary of State’s Office.
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