Emory has a number of faculty members and health care professionals who can speak about many facets of the COVID-19 outbreak.
If you are interested in speaking to any of the Emory faculty listed below please contact the Office of Communications and Public Affairs:
- Jill Wu: 404-727-3870; jill.s.wu@emory.edu
- Gana Ahn: 404-727-0343; gana.ahn@emory.edu
- Janet Christenbury: 404-727-8599; jmchris@emory.edu

Robert Breiman, MD
Professor of Global Health and Infectious Diseases, Rollins School of Public Health
Professor of Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of Medicine
Relevant areas of expertise:
- disease surveillance systems
- global health
- infectious diseases
- public health
- respiratory diseases

Carlos del Rio, MD
Executive Dean, Emory University School of Medicine
Professor of Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of Medicine
Professor of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- clinical trials
- global health
- infectious diseases
- pandemics
- public health
- social distancing

Hashem Dezhbakhsh
Chair, Department of Economics, Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Goodrich C. White Professor of Economics
Relevant areas of expertise:
- pandemic and global economics
- stock market
- U.S. economy
Gregory Esper, MD, MBA
Professor and Vice-Chair for Clinical Affair, Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine
Associate Chief Medical Officer
Emory Healthcare
Relevant areas of expertise:
- telehealth

Thomas Gillespie
Associate Professor, Emory Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Health, Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- Disease ecology
- Zoonotic diseases
- Biodiversity and health
- Global health

Jodie Guest
Professor and Vice- Chair, Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- epidemiology
- Latino and/or migrant worker health
- emergency COVID-19 response
- LGBTQ Health

Raymond Hill
Senior Lecturer in Finance, Goizueta Business School
Relevant areas of expertise:
- global economics
- stock market
- U.S. economy

Alex Isakov, MD
Executive Director, Emory Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response (CEPAR)
Relevant areas of expertise:
- disaster and emergency preparedness and response
- pandemics
- rapid triage

Denise Jamieson, MD
Chair, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Emory University School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- infectious diseases
- infectious diseases in pregnancy
- public health

Nadine Kaslow
Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Chief Psychologist, Grady Health System
Relevant areas of expertise:
- coping in times of crisis
- psychology
- self-care
- stress

Kathy Kinlaw
Associate Director, Emory Center for Ethics
Director, Healthcare Ethics Consortium
Head Clinical Ethicist, Emory Healthcare
Relevant areas of expertise:
- allocation of resources
- ethics and spirituality/religious beliefs
- medical codes and policies for triage and allocation
- neonatal and pediatric ethics
- palliative and end of life care
- patient and family decision making
- public engagement, ethics, and health policy
- public health ethics

Colleen Kraft, MD
Associate Chief Medical Officer, Emory University Hospital
Associate, Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Emory University School of Medicine
Laboratory Director, Clinical Virology Research Laboratory, Emory University
Relevant areas of expertise:
- infectious diseases
- microbiology
- pandemics

Aneesh Mehta, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Emory University School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of Transplant Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
Relevant areas of expertise:
- clinical trials
- immunology
- immunocompromised patients
- infectious diseases

George Painter
Professor of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine
CEO, Emory Institute of Drug Development (DRIVE)
Relevant areas of expertise:
- clinical trials
- development of antiviral drugs

Polly Price
Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law
Professor, Global Health, Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- disease control in democratic societies
- history of epidemics and pandemics
- federalism
- legal issues of quarantine
- public health policy

Jeff Rosensweig
Associate Professor of Finance, Goizueta Business School
Director, Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government, Emory University
Relevant areas of expertise:
- global economics
- travel and tourism industry

Tom Smith
Associate Professor in the Practice of Finance, Goizueta Business School
Relevant areas of expertise:
- economics of the arts and entertainment industry
- economics of sports
- labor economics
- real estate economics
- trade
- unemployment

Anne Spaulding, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health
Relevant areas of expertise:
- infectious disease in the criminal justice systems
- disease prevention
- health and medicine in the criminal justice system

Sharon Vanairsdale
Program Director, Serious Communicable Diseases Unit, Emory University / Emory Healthcare
Program Director, National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC)
Relevant areas of expertise:
- hospital preparedness
- infectious disease
- nursing
- outbreaks

Paul Root Wolpe
Director, Emory University Center for Ethics
Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Research Chair in Jewish Bioethics
President, Association of Bioethics Program Directors
Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience
Relevant areas of expertise:
- allocation of resources
- bioethics
- ethical uses of data in times of crisis
- ethics and spirituality/religious beliefs
- ethics of medicine and technology
- medical codes and policies for triage and allocation
- social and cultural responses to health and medicine