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Emory University names new chief audit, chief compliance officers
Deepa Pawate and Melissa B. Hall profile photos

Deepa Pawate (L) will assume the position of chief audit officer for Emory University and Emory Healthcare on Aug. 1. Melissa B. Hall will join the Emory community Sept. 1 as the university’s chief compliance officer.

Two roles within Emory University’s business and administration organization — chief audit officer and chief compliance officer — have been filled after a national search.

Deepa Pawate will assume the position of chief audit officer (CAO), serving both Emory University and Emory Healthcare, effective Aug. 1. She has worked at Emory for almost two decades, including as the associate chief audit officer and assistant vice president for university and research audit.

Pawate’s expertise in internal audit, investigations and information technology audit will enhance Emory’s internal controls, risk management and governance. Her relationships with key stakeholders across the enterprise will enable effective collaboration with our organization, executive leadership and the board of trustees. 

Melissa B. Hall will join the Emory University community on Sept. 1 as the university’s chief compliance officer (CCO). She has more than 14 years of experience in higher education, including time as the deputy chief ethics and compliance officer at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her background in higher education compliance, audits, investigations and risk assessments aligns seamlessly with the demands of an effective compliance program and integration within Emory’s enterprise risk management framework.

Hall will proactively manage compliance risks and directly engage with university executive leadership and the board of trustees. 

Both Pawate and Hall will report directly to Diana Carter, vice president and chief administrative officer, as well as the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of Trustees. 

“We are fortunate and thrilled to have such high-caliber talent in the Emory community,” Carter says. “Their contributions will impact enterprise-wide risk management and help us navigate evolving regulatory environments in higher education and health care.”

The search committee partnered with Opus Partners throughout the process. Committee members were:

  • Mina Rhee, associate general counsel 
  • Robert Nobles, vice president for research administration 
  • Del King, vice president of human resources 
  • Lisa Urbistondo, vice president and chief financial officer for Emory Healthcare, regional hospital division 
  • Maurice Middleton, associate vice provost for institutional equity and compliance 
  • Mathew Pinson, assistant vice president for operations and strategic initiatives

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