Candler School of Theology’s Faith and Finance Program at Emory University will host a two-day conference March 22-23 titled “Giving Freedom: A Right-Side-Up Approach to Church Fundraising.”
The event, which turns traditional fundraising models “right side up,” features an evening keynote address on Friday, March 22 by the Rev. Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of the 25,000-member United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, and author of “Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity.” Hamilton will speak on “The Fruitful Life” and take questions from the audience following the talk.
On Saturday, March 23, seven leading pastors, authors, philanthropists and financial experts will share their insights and teach practical strategies for “Giving Freedom” in participants’ congregations and communities.
Conference organizer Justin Latterell, director of the Faith and Finance Program, says the event’s title is intentionally multi-layered.
“The concept of ‘giving freedom’ has a triple meaning for our conference,” he explains. “On one hand, it refers to a different approach to church fundraising that starts not with pledge drives, but with ministering to the personal financial struggles, skills, dreams and needs of congregants. The second meaning follows from personal financial freedom: Those who have financial freedom are freer to give generously to their churches.
“Finally, ‘giving freedom’ means confronting oppression. How can churches turn the world ‘right-side-up’ by responding to a God to who turns the world upside down? How can standing up for the values of fairness, equity and sustainability advance a church’s fundraising?”
The conference is an outgrowth of Candler’s work through its Faith and Finance Program, an initiative jointly funded by Candler School of Theology and Lilly Endowment Inc. to promote financial literacy among seminary students.
Registration fees for the conference range from $10-30 and include lunch on Saturday. Register here.