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Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) launching Jan. 15

Beginning at the end of January, Emory University will offer a new massive open online course (MOOC) on Coursera called, Reproducible Templates for Analysis and Dissemination.
Many research funding agencies and scientific journals are now requiring an audit-trail supporting reproducible research. This course will cover the steps and resources necessary to set up the software and tools necessary to build your own templates and utilize existing templates for reproducible data analysis, dynamic documentation, presentation, and dissemination.

Each week of the course will address a key component in the analysis workflow process including: software and system set-up; building templates for creating different types of reports and formats; adding parameters to and modularization of the report templates making them useful for standardized reporting and batch processing; and finally covering tools for collaboration and dissemination (e.g. cloud-based solutions using Rpubs, Github, and RStudio connect).

Participants can set their own pace covering topics such as "Introduction to Reproducible Research and Dynamic Documentation,” and "Leveraging Custom Template From Leading Scientific Journals." Each module contains two hours' worth of content, including video lectures, demonstrations, discussion forums, interactive and personalized assignments, practice quizzes, and other educational resources. Those who wish to secure a certificate of course completion from Coursera can do so for a fee of $49.00.

You can register here beginning Jan. 15. The first session begins Jan. 15. Enrollment ends Jan. 20, 2018. However, learners that want to join after Jan. 20 can still enroll. They will be added to the next session, which begins Feb. 12, 2018. Sessions for this course are automatically scheduled every four weeks on Monday with an enrollment period of 5 days.

The Coursera initiative is a collaboration between the Provost’s Office, through the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence (CFDE), and the Libraries Information and Technology Services’ (LITS) Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) academic production team. For more information about Coursera at Emory, contact Stephanie Parisi, CFDE assistant director of online education at

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