The Georgia Department of Public Health launched the Safe to Sleep campaign last year.
Emory Johns Creek Hospital (EJCH) and Emory University Hospital Midtown (EUHM) have both been selected as Georgia Safe to Sleep Hospitals.
The Georgia Department of Public Health launched the campaign last year. The program includes statewide public health interventions to protect infants from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of death.
Each year in the U.S., more than 4,000 infants without a prior known illness or injury die suddenly.
During the past year, both Emory Johns Creek Hospital and Emory University Hospital Midtown have updated their safe sleep policies, educated staff on expanded safe infant sleep recommendations, defined patient education and monitored how safe sleep is modeled in the hospital through crib audits.
"We're constantly working to teach parents and caregivers about the ABCs of safe sleep," says Christine Wollenhaup, DNP, RNC-OB, EJCH's Director of Women's Services.
"Babies should always sleep alone, on their backs, and in a crib to prevent sleep-related deaths," says Wollenhaup.
More than 75 hospitals in Georgia – including Emory Johns Creek Hospital and Emory University Hospital Midtown – have pledged to model safe sleep behaviors for infants.
"Our goal is to make sure our babies have the best start possible, and safe sleep is where it all begins," says Sino George, MSN, APRN, RNC-OB, WHNP-BC, perinatal practice specialist at EUHM. "This recognition reinforces our continued commitment to patient safety and quality."
For more information about the Georgia Safe to Sleep program visit, https://dph.georgia.gov/safetosleep.