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U.S. News ranks Emory's graduate and professional schools

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Elaine Justice

Emory University’s graduate schools and programs are ranked among the best in the nation, according to analysis and surveys released today in U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 “America’s Best Graduate Schools” guide.

Emory's schools of nursing, business, law, medicine and public health are the top-ranked schools in Georgia in their respective categories, and several other Emory entities were ranked this year.

  • Emory's Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing was ranked 4th in the nation, up from 8th last year. The school’s Family Nurse Practitioner program ranked 8th in the country.
  • Goizueta Business School’s full-time M.B.A. program was 20th, its part-time M.B.A. program 25th, and its Executive M.B.A. program 17th.
  • Emory University School of Law ranked 22nd in the nation.
  • Emory University School of Medicine ranked 23rd nationally among research-oriented medical schools, and 34th among primary care schools.
  • Emory and Georgia Tech's joint Department of Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. program ranked 3rd in the nation.

Ph.D. programs in several humanities and social science fields were newly ranked this year. Rankings in these categories were based solely on reputation surveys. Emory's Ph.D. program in political science was ranked 24th and its Ph.D. in history was ranked 27th. The Ph.D. program in English was ranked 30th, the sociology Ph.D. program 36th and the psychology Ph.D. 36th.

Several health-related programs were not surveyed this year, so Emory's Rollins School of Public Health remains in 7th place nationally. Emory School of Medicine’s master’s degree physician assistant program remains 3rd in the nation, and master’s and doctoral programs in physical therapy are 5th. The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, a program of Emory’s Laney Graduate School, remains 11th.

“Emory’s graduate and professional programs are consistently recognized as among the best in the country,” says Emory Interim Provost Stuart A. Zola. “This reflects the excellence of our faculty, the commitment of our academic leaders and the high quality of our students. Atlanta and the world benefit from Emory's strengths as a leading research liberal arts university."

U.S. News first published a reputation-only graduate school ranking in 1987. The annual America's Best Graduate Schools report began in 1990.

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