Public radio host Kai Ryssdal is an Emory alumnus.
Kai Ryssdal '85C, host of public radio's "Marketplace," will present this year's keynote address for Founders Week, which commemorates the founding of Emory College.
The midwinter academic festival, which runs Feb 2-9, celebrates the University's intellectual life with artistic, social and cultural events.
Ryssdal will deliver the Goodrich C. White Lecture on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts. Sponsored by the DVS Senior Honor Society and the President's Office, the event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required.
After graduating from Emory College, Ryssdal spent eight years in the U.S. Navy with the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt and as a Pentagon staff officer. He was also a member of the U.S. Foreign Service in Ottawa and Beijing.
Since 2005, he has served as host and senior editor of "Marketplace," a public radio program covering business and the economy.
The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required. Tickets are available online or by calling 404-727-5050.
Highlights of 2014 Founders Week activities include:
Sunday, Feb. 2
Annual Bach Bowl, at 3 p.m. in the Schwartz Center's Emerson Concert Hall. A free concert with pianists Timothy and Tamara Albrecht, Keiko Yamashita Ransom and William Ransom, the Vega String Quartet, and tenor Bradley Howard.
Monday, Feb. 3
Feast of Words celebration at 4 p.m. on the second floor of the Emory bookstore. Showcases books written or edited by Emory faculty in 2013, hosted by the Academic Exchange and the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence; co-sponsored by the AJC/Decatur Book Festival.
Tuesday, Feb. 4

Helen Mayberg's research into depression and deep brain stimulation has received international attention.
19th Annual Distinguished Faculty Lecture: "Rethinking Depression and its Treatment: Insights from Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation," at 4 p.m. in the Winship Ballroom of the Dobbs University Center, by Emory School of Medicine professor Helen S. Mayberg. A reception follows with presentation of faculty awards, including the Albert Levy Award for scientific research and recognition of fall 2013 faculty awards.
Wednesday, Feb. 5
Life of the Mind discussion: "Identities and Their Flexibilities: Brazil in The Americas," with Jeffrey Lesser, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of History, Provost Claire Sterk and Gary Laderman, professor of American history, religion and cultures at 4 p.m., Jones Room, Woodruff Library. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Faculty Council.
Thursday, Feb. 6
Emory Jazz Fest: Big Band Night, at 8 p.m. in the Emerson Concert Hall. Free.
Friday, Feb. 7
Oxford College presentation "Village, Church, University, World: Emory and Upheaval in 1914" by Emory historians Gary Hauk and Erik Oliver. 7 p.m. Old Church. Sponsored by the Oxford Historical Society. Free and open to the public.
Emory Jazz Fest, featuring the Gary Motley Trio and Barbara Morrison, at 8 p.m. in the Emerson Concert Hall. Tickets: $20 general admission; $15 members; $5 students.
Saturday, Feb. 8
Newport Jazz Festival: Now 60, featuring Anat Cohen. Part of the Flora Glenn Candler Concert Series. At 8 p.m. in the Emerson Concert Hall. Tickets: $50 general admission; $37.50 members; $10 students.