Vince and Barbara Dooley
Saint Joseph's Hospital is proud to host the 13th annual "Sharing the Journey Cancer Survivorship Conference," on Saturday, April 20, 2013. The conference will be held in the Carroll Education Center at Saint Joseph's Hospital and will begin with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and conclude after lunch.
Legendary University of Georgia football coach Vince Dooley and his wife Barbara will speak at this year's conference and speak to participants about their experiences as cancer survivors and as caregivers to each other during their treatments. The Dooleys are active volunteers and are well known for their interest and involvement in cancer support and education.
"Sharing the Journey" is one of the longest-running cancer survivorship conferences in the Metro Atlanta area. This year's event will feature informational sessions providing updates on the latest research and treatment for breast, colorectal, prostate and lung cancers. In addition, information on support services and holistic aspects of cancer care, including an informational session for caregivers, will be featured.
Registration is required. The cost for the program, which includes lunch, is $10. Parking is free. For registration call 678-843-8368 or contact Debbie Church at deborah.church@emoryhealthcare.org.