The trees that were displaced by the Emory University Hospital expansion project have been replanted around campus.

Wood from trees removed on campus is reclaimed for use in other areas of the hospital expansion project.
More than 100 native trees were planted at several sites around the Emory community to honor Emory's No Net Loss of Forest Canopy policy.
Oak trees, redbuds, dogwoods and tulip poplars were repopulated in front of the Law School, along Eagle Row and near the Rollins Research Center.
Emory's No Net Loss of Forest Canopy Policy guarantees that every time a tree on campus is removed, a sufficient number of trees will be planted to maintain the same forest canopy.
Much of the wood from the removed trees will be repurposed through the construction of the new hospital expansion project, as well as other projects throughout the Emory community. Large tree branches will be mulched and used throughout campus.
Landscape architect James Johnson says because of the large-scale plantings that occur yearly, the Emory forest canopy continues to grow and maintain coverage despite storm damage and construction around campus.
"We have maintained the percentage of the campus under forest canopy fairly constant at about 58 percent," says Johnson. "We're starting to restore canopy that was lost due to a storm three years ago. This is a direct result of yearly plantings and great policies in place that protect our green spaces."
Johnson says every two years, aerial surveys are done of the campus to determine the state of the canopy.