Richard Schrock
Nobel laureate Richard Schrock will be the keynote speaker at the 2013 Emerson Center Lectureship Award Symposium on Tuesday, March 26, at the Harland Cinema in Emory's Dobbs University Center. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Schrock won the 2005 Nobel Prize in chemistry.
The symposium, "Fundamental Principles of and Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Nitrogen Fixation," begins at noon with research poster presentations.
"This symposium will highlight one of the most important scientific and technical challenges facing our society, namely the production of ammonia from two inert and abundant gases, nitrogen and hydrogen," says Jamal Musaev, director of the Cherry L. Emerson Center for Scientific Computation.
"This field of science, in past, was awarded two Nobel prizes, and several more are going to come. It is also multidisciplinary in nature and involves many bright minds in chemistry, physics, biology and materials sciences," Musaev says.
In addition to Musaev, symposium speakers include Brian Hoffman from Northwestern University's Department of Chemistry and Nan Zheng from the University of Arkansas, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Co-sponsors of the symposium are Microway Inc., Emory's departments of chemistry and physics, Emory's Computational and Life Sciences Initiative and The Hightower Foundation.
For more information, see the schedule of events.