After having amassed almost a hundred years of combined experience in the medical field, Kenneth Brigham and Michael M.E. Johns have a vision for the next hundred years of health care: a shift from disease diagnosis and treatment to prediction and prevention. They lay out a roadmap for this shift in their new book, "Predictive Health: How We Can Reinvent Medicine to Extend Our Best Years" (Basic Books, 2012).

Both authors used their experiences in various roles at Emory to inform their vision for the book. Brigham is professor and former associate vice president for health affairs and director of the Emory-Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute. Johns is professor and former executive vice president for health affairs and university chancellor.
The book spells out how current and anticipated medical advances may soon make it possible to identify and forestall the forerunners of disease. A system of predictive health could lead to better quality of life for a longer time for more individuals, increasing productivity and decreasing medical costs to patients and the society.
Join Brigham and Johns for a booksigning on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. in the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Administrative Building.
Listen to Michael Johns and Kenneth Brigham discuss and read excerpts from “Predictive Health: How We Can Reinvent Medicine to Extend Our Best Years":
Reading by Johns
Reading by Brigham