For more information on Spin to End 2012, visit www.SpinToEnd.org.
Spin to End AIDS 2012, an indoor cycling fundraiser to benefit Action Cycling Atlanta (ACA) and AIDS vaccine research at the Emory Vaccine Center, will take place from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, at the Athletic Club Northeast. The club is located at 1515 Sheridan Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.
Organizers expect this year’s event to include more than 30 teams of six riders each. Participants may form new teams or join existing teams. Each rider spins for an hour and raises at least $100, for a total of $600 or more through pledges from friends, family, co-workers or corporate sponsors. Riders include both serious and more recreational participants.
Action Cycling Atlanta is the producer of AIDS Vaccine 200 (AV200), a two-day, 200-mile ride to raise money for the Emory Vaccine Center. The ride is held in May every year, and this year’s 10th annual ride takes place May 19 and 20, 2012. ACA is an all-volunteer organization that donates 100 percent of all money raised by participants to its beneficiaries. ACA has raised more than a million dollars for AIDS vaccine research.
“Spin to End is a lead-up to May’s AV200,” says co-ride director Leon Morales. “This event helps Action Cycling raise more funds for vaccine research at the Emory Vaccine Center and helps us highlight our larger event in May.”
For more information about the event, to register, or to donate generally or for a specific participant, visit www.SpinToEnd.org, or call 404-954-CYCL (-2925).
The mission of the Emory Vaccine Center is to improve human health by conducting fundamental and clinical research that leads to the development of effective vaccines against infectious diseases of global importance, including HIV/AIDS.
“Funds are urgently needed to continue research in developing an HIV/AIDS vaccine,” says Morales. “Our events have added significantly to this effort at Emory, and at the same time they’re fun and rewarding for each rider.”