Walter J. Curran, Jr., MD
Executive Director
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
When Robert Winship Woodruff approached Emory University in 1937, he envisioned an outstanding cancer treatment and research facility for all Georgians. Mr. Woodruff’s unremitting energy and attention to detail were key factors in his own remarkable success. Using those same qualities of high energy and attention to detail, the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University strives to fulfill his vision today.
In 2009, Winship became a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center—the first and only one in Georgia—a milestone that benefits patients and families throughout the state.
NCI-designation gives Georgians new options in cancer diagnosis and treatment, including clinical trials of the most promising new therapies. Many trials are available at Emory’s own hospitals and long-time affiliates Grady Memorial Hospital and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Winship’s partnership with the Georgia Cancer Coalition (GCC) and the Georgia Center for Oncology Research and Education (Ga CORE) have helped expand availability of new clinical research to patients in every corner of the state.
At Winship, we believe our work in fulfilling Mr. Woodruff’s vision can transform lives and science. The Winship Cancer Institute Annual Report 2010 provides a glimpse of Winship’s “can do” spirit and how, over the past year, it has provided the most effective, compassionate, family-centered care available while advancing better understanding, treatment and prevention of cancer.