Emory clinicians provided more than $67 million in charity care to patients in Emory Healthcare facilities in fiscal year 2014-2015. They also provided more than $25 million in uncompensated at the publicly funded, safety net facility, Grady Memorial Hospital, where Emory doctors provide 85% of care.
These and other examples of contributions to the community can be found in the 2015 Community Benefits Report of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center (WHSC) of Emory University.
In addition to its role in supporting care, education, and research, the WHSC contributes substantially to the local Atlanta economy — by garnering millions of dollars in research grants, which in turn create jobs, and by creating start-up companies and securing patents for new drugs and medical devices to help patients. The WHSC employs more than 23,000 people (making Emory the largest employer in DeKalb County), and its expenditures have an annual estimated economic impact of $7.2 billion on metro Atlanta.