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New medical plan choices explained at August info sessions

For 2013, Emory employees will have a choice of two medical plans: the HSA Plan and the POS Plan, differing from the current choice of three plans.    

This significant change will be explained in two sessions set for Wednesday, Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. and Thursday, Aug. 23 at noon. Both will be in the Harland Cinema of the Dobbs University Center.  Register to attend.

These sessions will be in addition to the regular annual benefits enrollment meetings to be held later in the fall and which cover these benefits changes but also other benefits beyond the medical plans.           

Both plans will:

  • Provide coverage for prescription drugs and behavioral health
  • Provide $0 co-pay for routine preventative care services when the provider is in the Emory Provider Network or Aetna National Network
  • Use the same provider networks
  • Give participants the option of lowering their overall medical costs by receiving incentives for participating in wellness activities, which is a new element this year.

The August information sessions will focus on how the two plans work and compare the differences and features of each plan, including costs. Sessions will also examine how the Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account can be used to manage your expenses.

Employees are encouraged to take a fresh look at available options in each of the plans to see the best fit for themselves and their families. HR notes that this is especially important for those currently using one of the POS plans.

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