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Participants sought for new faculty writing groups

By Allison Adams | Oct. 22, 2014


The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence (CFDE) has launched "The Writing Room," a program of writing groups with different goals, groupings, frequency and format, based upon the participants' preferences. These groups will be small, with four to seven members each. 

Faculty participants are currently being sought for the writing groups, which will begin meeting in January 2015. Those who want to participate should complete and submit the questionnaire by Nov. 21.

According to CFDE director Pamela Scully, a writing group can offer support, accountability, structure and camaraderie for faculty in terms of both the process and the product, for writing across the range of types, lengths, stages of development, and goals.

A writing group can also supply a welcome antidote to the professional isolation that often comes with the task of writing, as well as provide a source for constructive critical feedback on work in progress. 

"A writing group can help one stay focused and organized and become more productive," explains Scully, also a professor of women's, gender, and sexuality studies. "Research shows that being in conversation with people about writing helps faculty immensely. It is wonderful to have encouragement for one's work and people with whom to celebrate one's successes.

"With The Writing Room, we are hoping to create that sense of community and support for faculty writers across school, discipline, rank, and genre of writing," she says.

The CFDE will serve as scheduler and convener, provide support and reading materials as appropriate, send meeting reminders and secure meeting spaces. The CFDE will also set up email lists for each group to facilitate planning and communication between group meetings.

For more information, contact Allison Adams, associate director of the CFDE, at aadam02@emory.edu or 727-5269.