Emory Daily Scan

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Emory University

Forbes | How do investors respond to springing forward to day light saving time? (Teri Yohn research cited)

Wall Street Journal | Now What? First aid basics everyone should know. (Lekshmi Kumar quoted)

USA Today | Free COVID-19 vaccines could be a thing of the past. Experts weigh in.(Walt Orenstein quoted)

Healthline | Radio-frequency ablation helped 82% of patients with AFib, study finds (Miguel A. Leal quoted)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution | Emory announces partnership to ‘bolster the nursing workforce’ (Emory School of Nursing featured, Linda McCauley quoted) | WXIA-TV

Spectrum News 📺 | Lawmakers urge Biden to improve messaging to win Black voters (Andra Gillespie interviewed)

Violinist.com | Violinist Robert McDuffie receives honorary doctorate (Robert McDuffie featured) | Strad News

Higher Education

Wall Street Journal | What entry-level jobs really look like today

Hechinger Report | Four cities of FAFSA chaos: Students tell how they grappled with the mess, stress

Inside Higher Ed | Undergraduate enrollment picks up steam


General Health/Healthcare

Reuters | US FDA approves two biosimilars for blockbuster eye drug Eylea

Neuroscience News | Fluoride exposure during pregnancy linked to behavior problems in kids

CBS News | Why do men have a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes than women?

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