Jada Bussey-Jones

Dr. Jada Bussey-Jones currently serves as the chief of General Medicine and Geriatrics for Emory at Grady Memorial Hospital and the director of education for Emorys Urban Health Initiative. She works collaboratively to improve access and quality of care for Gradys patient population. Her leadership roles involve hospital-based, ambulatory, and community-based initiatives.
Dr. Bussey-Jones received her BA in biology and sociology and her MD from Emory University. She did her clinical training at the University of Maryland. She completed a research apprenticeship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where she worked on issues involving health care disparities. Additionally, she completed a fellowship in General Internal Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is currently a Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine with a strong interest in minority health and health care disparities.
Her academic work centers on interventions to mitigate health disparities and understand and address social determinants of health. She founded the Social Medicine Work Group in the Division of General Internal Medicine. This enthusiastic group of faculty members devotes itself to educational projects, research, and community service-related issues in caring for underserved populations. She is an active member on several community boards. In addition to her local work, Dr. Bussey-Jones is involved with several regional and national organizations, including serving as Chair of the National Disparities Education Task Force for the Society of General Internal Medicine where she led work on an award-winning curriculum and pre-course on disparities education and a national effort to develop and implement a "train-the-trainer" disparities curriculum. Her work has been recognized with several awards, including the 2005 American Business Womens Association Award for Community Service, the Georgia American College of Physicians Community Service Award (2007), Emorys Nanette Wenger Service Award (2009) and Deans Teaching Award (2013), and the Society of General Internal Medicine National Award for Mentorship in Education (2014).