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Emory University | Aug. 27, 2024

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Unlocking ALS mysteries: Emory researcher Devesh Pant investigates rare genetic mutations

By Mary Loftus

Genetic mutations and ALS research

When Devesh Pant received the 2023 Live Like Lou career development award, he was honored. But even more, he was grateful the grant would support his investigation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Pant focuses on neurological and rare neuromuscular diseases in his research.

“The key drivers for me to study ALS are the patients affected with this dreadful disease who are striving hard to fight the challenges on a daily basis,” he says.

An instructor in the Department of Cell Biology at Emory’s School of Medicine, Pant has a PhD in biomedicine from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and a master’s in biotechnology from the Indian Institute of Advanced Research in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. During his postdoctoral time in the Jiang lab at Emory, Pant was named the 2021 Milton Safenowitz Postdoctoral Fellow, which supports young scientists conducting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research.

ALS is a disease affecting motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, which causes progressive weakness and atrophy of muscles. People with ALS gradually lose the ability to walk, talk and, eventually, to breathe. Around the world, ALS is known by different names. 

“In France, it was called Charcot disease, after French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, who first described the symptoms,” Pant says. “In the U.K., it’s called motor neuron disease. In the U.S., it is known as Lou Gehrig's disease, after the famous baseball player who played for the Yankees and was diagnosed with ALS. The foundation, Live Like Lou, is in close connection with his family and provides resources to ALS families, patients and researchers.”

 Worldwide collaboration

Pant travels to India annually to visit his family. His interest in biology began with a high school science exhibition at Hartmann College, Bareilly, and was shaped by international opportunities. 

“I did my schooling in a very remote city in India. So, I applied for scholarships and received a competitive fellowship from the government of Spain to do my PhD studies in Barcelona. It was a wonderful experience,” he says. “We discovered a novel mutation that causes a rare neurological disease — hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. It’s a childhood neurodegenerative disease that affects the white matter of the central nervous system.”

To study the disease mechanism and determine therapeutic options, Pant developed a zebrafish model in the lab that mimics the disease pathology, and tested an FDA-approved drug that lessens symptoms in this model. This work led to a pilot clinical trial at centers worldwide.

Pant joined Emory in late 2020, largely because of the university’s extensive research in neurodegenerative diseases.

“I’m fascinated with this research environment. There’s a great collaborative ALS research team here, along with core facilities, the Emory ALS Center and the Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, with which the lab actively collaborates.” Because ALS’s progression dramatically diminishes one’s quality of life, “even a small win can make these patients’ lives better,” he says. 

Asking important questions

ALS is a heterogeneous disease, with 10% genetic cases and 90% sporadic (meaning the cause is unknown). 

“Despite significant research efforts to understand ALS and the influence of various genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, the exact pathophysiology of the disease remains unclear,” says Pant, “and no effective treatments are currently available.”

When the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral on social media a decade ago, it inspired more than 17 million people worldwide to dump ice water on their heads and donate to an ALS organization, expanding funding for ALS research and leading to the discovery of several new genes associated with the disease.

One of these is the KIF5A gene. Mutations in this gene can cause ALS, spastic paraplegia-10 and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. Pant received a development grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) to investigate the role of mutant KIF5A in ALS.

“Basically, KIF5A is a motor protein. Imagine a busy city with traffic, where cargo is being transported from one part of the city to another,” Pant says. “The same occurs in our human system — there are motor proteins that transport important cellular cargoes such as proteins, RNA and lipids from one part of the cell to another.”

Researchers around the world have identified mutations in KIF5A that lead to ALS, but important questions remain.

With the help of collaborators at Emory, Heidelberg, Germany, and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, Pant set about answering this question: How does a defect in this specific motor protein cause disturbances in the body that can lead to ALS?

Using a fruit fly (Drosophila) model, the team found that when the mutant motor protein was expressed in flies, the flies became paralyzed. This mimics ALS in humans, who experience progressive muscle weakness and paralysis.

“Using single-molecule microscopy, we observed that ALS mutant motor protein is continuously active even in the absence of cargo. This leads to an abnormal accumulation of mutant motor protein in aggregates, which could cause the toxicity we observed in our model system,” Pant says.

The presence of mutant protein in KIF5A ALS patients was confirmed, with help from colleagues in Germany, by using a newly developed antibody. The findings have been validated by several independent research labs and potential therapies are being developed for clinical trials based on the study.  

Metabolic disturbances and juvenile ALS

Pant is also investigating a gene, SPTLC1, related to juvenile ALS, through research funded by the Live Like Lou Foundation and the ALS Association. Mutations in this gene were linked to a form of ALS in children in 2021.

“This gene, SPTLC1, is from the same lipid pathway that I worked on in my PhD program,” Pant says. “If you look at the history of the ALS patient, there is a continuous body weight loss. I think there is an early lipid metabolism involvement in ALS, irrespective of the nature of the disease — whether it is sporadic or genetic. With this genetic mutation of juvenile ALS, we are trying to understand these metabolic disturbances that ultimately lead to the disease.”

Perhaps the most famous case of juvenile ALS was seen in physicist and author Stephen Hawking, who was diagnosed when he was 21 and lived with the disease for 55 years — an extremely rare outcome.

In search of treatments

“In our lab, we are not discovering any new genes,” Pant says. “All the new ALS-associated genes are identified mainly by clinical geneticists worldwide who see the patients, send patient samples in for genomic sequencing and identify novel mutations. We get the mutation information and the associated pathological symptoms from these clinical centers. In the lab, we model these genetic mutations using animal models or stem cell cultures to better understand the molecular mechanisms that lead to ALS.”

In the ALS field, therapies are challenging. So far, no treatment can cure, minimize or even slow the disease progression. If researchers can develop treatments that block the impact of the genetic mutations, says Pant, they can provide therapeutic hope for patients. 

Without collaboration, the progress made so far would not have been possible.

“All this research requires funding. At Emory, the labs working on ALS have secured funding from many different organizations and sources, and we have a good collaborative team,” Pant says. “The environment here allows you to do multidisciplinary research — cell cultures, longitudinal animal models, organoid systems, up to human clinical trials. There is a rich pool of talent in-house, which allows you to get things done on campus in a timely manner.”

Partnerships also allow for broad collaboration. “For example, the CDC, which is right next to us, is developing a large biobank of ALS patients that will be a very good resource.”

Helping ALS patients and families

While Pant is primarily a researcher, he’s also been a conduit for families in search of help. 

“I’ve met some of the patients, and it provides more motivation to find a solution for them and their families,” he says. “It’s nice to tell them about the research we are doing.”

In one instance, he was contacted by a family in Kentucky whose daughter has juvenile ALS. Their physician told them a genetic mutation could be responsible, but they didn’t know the next steps to take. 

“I linked them to the ALS Association and experts that are following up with the family,” he says. “Also, the Live Like Lou Foundation can sometimes help with ALS family grants. So, I try my best to help. I do get emotional when I think about these patients and their families.”