A Life Consumed by Sleep
Hypersomnia is a condition where people sleep their lives away, sometimes 20 plus hours a day. A young man from Iceland sought treatment and a woman who was able to get married and live a life after getting put on a drug cocktail that allows her to function.

Finding His Voice
Discover how longtime political correspondent Jamie Dupree lost his voice a few years ago to a rare dystonia. He traveled the country looking for answers before finding help at Emory, where botox injections try to help him speak again.

And the Hits Kept on Coming
Nate Lewis received his first concussion playing football when he was 14. Many more hits, and concussions, would follow, with aftereffects that Lewis, now 52 and retired from a pro career in the NFL, never imagined.

Traumatic Brain Injury
Boyhood Disrupted
When 9-year-old Brayden Harrison fell out of a tree, his life was saved by Emory pediatric neurosurgeon Andrew Reisner and a novel protocol he created for treating brain injuries in children.


- Emory first in U.S. to treat epilepsy with deep brain stimulation since commercial approval
- Flashpoint: Healing the invisible wounds of modern warfare
- When Words Fail: Helping Jeremy regain his voice
- Coping with Chronic Pain
- An Emory clinic is transforming memory care
- Blessing from a Curse: This family's high rate of Alzheimer's might help researchers find a cure
- Emory-led PTSD study of combat veterans finds similar outcomes among common therapies
- How Emory helped a former Army intelligence agent with PTSD
- Mild Cognitive Impairment Program empowers patients to participate in research, clinical care and wellness
- Emory receives $29 million from Wounded Warrior Project
- Finding mental disorders with math
- Migraines: Like an Ice Pick to the Brain
- All in the mind: Examining why the brain short-circuits
- Former Marine officer shares story of healing from PTSD
- Emory ALS Center: Passion for care, passion for a cure
- Study identifies a link between antidepressant treatment resistance and inflammation
- When the war isn't over
- Caring for Mary: The challenge of early-onset Alzheimer's
Media Coverage