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Emory Report Emory Report

For Faculty and Staff | Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022

For Faculty and Staff
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022

Content block with header and subhead

Content block subhead


Content boxes can be text only or can also include images (left or right and horizontal or vertical). Text can be bold, italic, or underlined; can include links; can be set as numbered or bullet lists; can have left, right, centered or justified alignment; can include emojis. 

The content box can have a header and/or subhead, or only box text. 

Every type of block in Emory Report has the option of including a horizontal rule after that section. 

We can use any number of any type of content block in Emory Report. Blocks can be arranged in whatever order we want. They can be copied and dropped in again at another place in the issue. 

🤣👽 Vestibulum egestas sem ut fermentum dictum. Cras interdum dui in luctus interdum. Sed in odio bibendum, convallis elit sed, molestie nisl.

  • Mauris at justo non tortor placerat fermentum non ut felis.
  • 😻💯 Nulla vel interdum nibh. Sed ut massa.
  • Ut dictum sapien vel pulvinar imperdiet.

Integer vestibulum, dolor aliquet faucibuspellentesque, felis nulla maximus erat.

  1. Quis hendrerit arcu ipsum placerat purus. 👀 Quisque pharetra ultrices nunc.
  2. onsequat eleifend nisl consequat id.
  3. Pellentesque eget hendrerit nunc.

Vivamus venenatis sodales nunc eget egestas.Nullam vel nulla facilisis, lacinia justo non, imperdiet lectus.

CTA Button (a separate block; it is always centered and doesn't have a text or character limit

Photo galleries

Photo galleries include the option of a headline, summary and link. The gallery must include three photos that render in a horizontal row on desktop.

As with stories, the headline is what links to a page with additional info / photos.

Story section info

Basic story options are either a feature (full-width image and text) or subfeature (image on the left, text block to the right). 

For each story, we have the option to include all possible components, some, or none. Components include a kicker, image, headline, text, link and icons (for photo, video, gallery, audio, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter; any number of icons can be selected). 

We can override the headline, link, summary or image. The headline is the only component that is linkable, so the content cannot link anywhere if you don't have a headline. 

Stories - Blue Background

We also have the option to set a feature or full-width (image bleeds off the side of the template) feature on a blue background. 

The same elements (section head, kicker, link, etc.) are still options for these stories. The headline is the only element that carries the link.

The first example is a blue background feature story. The second example is a full-width blue background feature (the full-width bleed option is only available with the blue background, not as a regular story).

A basic calendar is below, with sections for featured and "regular" events. Featured events include an image sized to 105 x 105; non-featured/regular events do not have an image. Calendar and section names (such as Featured Events) are optional.

The event name is the link; all events must link to an external page. 

A horizontal rule automatically divides featured and non-featured events if they're built in the same calendar block. 

All events have multiple options for dates and times, including start/end dates, a date range, and multiple start/stop times for a single event. 

An issue of Emory Report can include as many calendar blocks as needed (such as one highlighting Homecoming events and another listing other events on campus).