|  What keeps people at Emory, online education, benefits and campus-wide committee reports were among the topics at the 2014 Employee Town Hall with Emory leaders (L-R) S. Wright Caughman, Mike Mandl, Claire Sterk and James Wagner. Read more » |
| | | | |  | |  | |  | Nichole Phillips, who considers herself both a social scientist of religion and a practical theologian, uses the social sciences as an analytical tool in her teaching at Candler School of Theology.
Read more » | | South of Egypt was the dynamic kingdom of Nubia. Learn about its archeology and art in a Coursera offering taught by Carlos Museum curator Peter Lacovara.
Read more » | | A former pastor was challenged by kidney disease until he found the path to join the world's second largest kidney swap.
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Engage EmoryA workshop on insurance Friday, April 18, will tell you what kind you need, how much you should have, how insurance can save on taxes or protect against a money crisis, what kind of insurance is most important and more. The free session is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. in the Harland Cinema of Dobbs University Center. | | | | | | | | |